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Located steps from the Capitol, The Heritage Foundation has promoted conservative policy for more than 40 years.

Our more than 100 policy experts and researchers are invited to testify before Congress nearly 40 times a year. In addition, Heritage experts appear daily in America’s top news outlets like Fox News, CNN, and the Wall Street Journal.

Please donate monthly or one time to ensure conservative policy will influence key issues on an ongoing basis.

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Monthly donations will enable conservative policy to affect key issues--such as repealing Obamacare, securing the border, and saving the Supreme Court--on an ongoing basis.

Your one-time donation will advance conservative policy victories. Please consider a monthly donation to make the greatest impact.

A Message from the Heritage President, Jim Demint

Jim Demint
Jim Demint

Thank you for your continued support to The Heritage Foundation.

We are keenly aware that what sustains all of our operations is the generosity of our donors.

Today, I personally ask that you give whatever you can spare to support Heritage Action, The Heritage Foundation's sister organization.

Heritage Action's team of lobbyists target specific members of congress to push for conservative policy. Heritage Action is continously fighting for your conservative principles in Congress on key issues - Terrorism, Border Security and the fight against Obamacare.

Please donate whatever else you can spare and support the fight for conservative policy in Congress.

Jim Demint

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Thank you for your gift to the Heritage Foundation!

You know that sound conservative policy is the best answer to our nation’s problems.

But the liberal left and the Washington Establishment have been blinded by fake news and a stubborn resolve to keep the status quo. This is unacceptable! They have to feel the heat—and that’s where Heritage Action for America comes in. Heritage Action’s lobbyists and grassroots activists put political pressure on legislators and lawmakers to get The Heritage Foundation’s policies across the finish line. Each and every day, Heritage Action is pressuring lawmakers to step it up and fix health care, stop amnesty, and pass welfare reform—or they’ll feel the heat at the polls. But we can’t do this without you.

Hold Washington’s feet to the fire with your gift to Heritage Action today!

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Heritage Action for America is a section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. As such, contributions to Heritage Action for America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Heritage Action for America promotes conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. Donors should consult their tax advisors about the tax treatment of their contributions.

Donations to support the activities of The Heritage Foundation’s sister organization, Heritage Action for America, may be made after making your donation to The Heritage Foundation. Heritage Action for America is a section 501 (c )(4) nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. As such, contributions to Heritage Action for America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. State Registration Disclosures

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