Rejoin the Heritage Leaders Club today

Our country is in big trouble. And the radical Left is to blame. 

Their destructive leftist policies are causing a massive border crisis, national crime wave, and skyrocketing prices. This isn’t an accident. It’s a deliberate leftist effort to destroy our country and usher in a Marxist ‘utopia’.  

But it’s not too late to stop it. 

You can save America by rejoining the Heritage Foundation Leaders Club during this limited time membership drive. 

Your renewed monthly support will allow Heritage to spend less on fundraising and more time fighting for the most critical policy priorities like: 

  • Safeguarding Election Integrity: by working on the state and federal level to ensure election laws require sound counting and voter verification methods. 
  • Supporting Border Security: by developing public policy solutions that will close our borders for good and restore law and order to our immigration system.  
  • Fighting Wasteful Government Spending: by holding policymakers’ feet to the fire and advancing policies that decrease spending and lower taxes – so more of your money stays in your pocket.  
  • Restoring an Understanding of and Respect for American Values: by promoting human flourishing, self-governance, and the rule of law, which are needed to revive a weak civil society that is overly dependent on big government. 

Will you be one of the 250 patriots who will step up today? 

The earlier you rejoin the Leaders Club with your monthly gift, the greater impact you can have for our country in 2024. Your support today means more leaders trained, more citizens educated, and more instances of voter fraud exposed this year.

This month only, when you rejoin the Leaders Club with a gift of $10/month or more, we will send you a free pocket U.S. Constitution as a token of our gratitude for your commitment to saving our country.

You can rejoin the Heritage Foundation Leaders Club today with a monthly gift using the secure form below. 

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Thank you for your gift to the Heritage Foundation!

You know that sound conservative policy is the best answer to our nation’s problems.

But the liberal left and the Washington Establishment have been blinded by fake news and a stubborn resolve to keep the status quo. This is unacceptable! They have to feel the heat—and that’s where Heritage Action for America comes in. Heritage Action’s lobbyists and grassroots activists put political pressure on legislators and lawmakers to get The Heritage Foundation’s policies across the finish line. Each and every day, Heritage Action is pressuring lawmakers to step it up and fix health care, stop amnesty, and pass welfare reform—or they’ll feel the heat at the polls. But we can’t do this without you.

Hold Washington’s feet to the fire with your gift to Heritage Action today!

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Heritage Action for America is a section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. As such, contributions to Heritage Action for America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Heritage Action for America promotes conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. Donors should consult their tax advisors about the tax treatment of their contributions.

When selecting a recurring donation, The Heritage Foundation will process this donation every month on the day of the month that you set up the recurring gift in the amount that you specify using the method of payment that you identified. You can cancel or change this donation at any time by contacting us at 1-800-546-2843. This authorization shall remain in effect until you notify The Heritage Foundation and Heritage has had reasonable time to act on it. A record of each debit will appear on your bank statement. You have the right to instruct your bank to reverse any and all debits.

Donations to support the activities of our sister organization, Heritage Action for America, may be made after making your donation to The Heritage Foundation. Heritage Action for America is a section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. As such, contributions to Heritage Action for America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. State Registration Disclosures