Why you should join the Heritage Premier President’s Club

When you join the Heritage Premier President’s Club today, you are boldly proclaiming that you are a member of the most influential conservative think tank in the world—The Heritage Foundation. As America’s premier policy organization, Heritage has the resources and influence to effectively communicate rigorous conservative policy research to the Trump administration, Congress, and the American people.

Right now, America stands at a crossroads. With a divided Congress, those who stand against the principles we hold dear are prepared like never before to advance their progressive agenda. Heritage is ready to fight the liberal agenda and help President Trump gain much needed policy victories, but we can’t succeed without you by our side.

Together we are standing at a critical moment not just for the conservative movement, but for our nation. Your  support for 2019 will enable future conservative policy victories.

You can be the catalyst for real conservative change in America

When you support Heritage this year, you spread conservative principles and ideas across the nation and help provide policy solutions to the leaders who need it most.

When you join the Premier President’s Club, you can arm President Trump and Congress with Heritage’s solutions to:

  • Recommend strong constitutionalist judges for court seats across the country: judges like Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, who now sit on the Supreme Court.
  • Secure our borders and fix our immigration laws once and for all: practical immigration policies are long overdue, and Heritage has the solutions that will keep America strong.
  • Make the tax cuts permanent: the current lower rates are scheduled to expire in 2023. Why would we take any steps backward?
  • Enact the second phase of tax cuts: Heritage research finds that we still need to reduce the tax burden on all Americans so more of their money can stay in their wallets.
  • Continue to rebuild our military strength: While we are on the right track, there remains a great deal to do in the face of an ever more volatile world.

Join the Heritage Premier President’s Club and win conservative victories

Thank you for standing up to defend conservative principles and advance effective policy solutions that impact Americans every day. When you renew your membership in Heritage’s Premier President’s Club, you’ll fight to transform these principles and solutions into reality.

Premier President’s Club membership remains at $5,000 and, as always, your contribution is tax-deductible. You will continue to be invited to our annual President’s Club Meeting, and receive as many Heritage publications as you request while supplies last.

When you join the Heritage President’s Club, you will be a guiding light that helps to preserve our founding principles—the principles that make America the most envied country in the world.

You can make conservative victories happen by activating your membership today:

Your Annual Donation

Executive Committee Membership


Premier President's Club Membership




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When selecting a recurring donation, The Heritage Foundation will process this donation every month on the day of the month that you set up the recurring gift in the amount that you specify using the method of payment that you identified. You can cancel or change this donation at any time by contacting us at 1-800-546-2843. This authorization shall remain in effect until you notify The Heritage Foundation and Heritage has had reasonable time to act on it. A record of each debit will appear on your bank statement. You have the right to instruct your bank to reverse any and all debits.