The Left has infiltrated our universities, but you can stop them…

The Left has infiltrated our universities, but

Leftists are brainwashing vulnerable schoolchildren with radical gender ideologies and sexually explicit curricula. Woke politicians and school districts are overriding parental rights with extreme policies.

Meanwhile, college campuses have become indoctrination camps. Universities are spending millions promoting so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion policies that stifle free speech, sow discord among students, and foster hatred towards America.

By targeting our children, with radical ideologies, the Left is trying to destroy the pillars of our society. The constitutional freedoms and self-governance that we cherish cannot be taken for granted. Leftists know that undermining faith, family, and traditional American values brings them closer to their goals. 

Have you thought about how you can protect your children and grandchildren from the radical ideologies promoted in our schools?

A gift in your will, trust, or charitable designation will allow Heritage to:

  • Defend parental rights and provide a voice of reason on matters of religious freedom, identity politics, radical gender policy, and rule of law.
  • Expose the dangers of “cancel culture”, critical race theory, and gender ideology and uphold individual freedom in our courts, our schools and universities, and our communities.
  • Allow Heritage to continue its longstanding leadership in education reform and school choice initiatives that provide alternatives to the radical curriculums taking hold of our schools.
  • Provide transformative internships to hundreds of college students each year and teach them why America’s founding principles are critical to a free and prosperous society.

For more information on how to create a legacy that protects the next generation of American citizens, please fill out the form below:

A gift in your will, trust, or charitable designation will allow Heritage to:

A gift in your will, trust, or charitable designation will allow Heritage to:

A gift in your will, trust, or charitable designation will allow Heritage to:

For more information on how to create a legacy that protects the next generation of American citizens, please fill out the form below: