Right Now, Every Dollar You Give Is Doubled During Our $1.5 Million President’s Challenge

While hard-working Americans are forced to pinch pennies just to get by, the Radical Left is working as fast as they can to pass even more anti-American legislation into law.

Which is why to help concerned Americans like you fight back in the face of historic inflation … 

A group of generous Heritage Foundation donors are matching all donations made between now and July 23rd during our $1.5 Million President’s Challenge.

The majority can no longer afford to be silent.

We must let our elected officials know that enough is enough by demanding a return to conservative, common-sense governance that puts Americans first.

Whatever you give today will have twice the impact in helping the Heritage Foundation fight on your behalf by turning innovative policies into legislative action on the national, state, and local level.

Your matched gift today will:

  • Keep the Biden Administration and the Radical Left accountable by suing them for documents and information regarding the Department of Homeland Security’s collusion with Big Tech and their unconstitutional COVID mandate
  • Help expose Bidenflation caused by the administrations reckless spending by supporting expert testimony before Congress and major media outlets
  • Provide our more than one-hundred renowned policy experts the resources they need to turn policy innovation into action at the local and national levels …
  • Ensure our Daily Signal media outlet — ranked #1 in social media, internet, and media outreach — continues to empower more Americans (especially young Americans) by providing valuable content that meets them where they are today.

Your support also ensures that Americans receive news they can trust on the devices they use daily from our Daily Signal media outlet — ranked #1 in social media, internet, and media outreach.

If you’ve had enough of the Radical Left’s America Last agenda that threatens to tear America apart at its seams …

Then give below to have your donation matched dollar-for-dollar by our $3 Million Dollar President’s Challenge.

Give below to 2X your donation by having each dollar you give today DOUBLED by our $1.5 Million Dollar President’s Challenge.

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Thank you for your gift to the Heritage Foundation!

You know that sound conservative policy is the best answer to our nation’s problems.

But the liberal left and the Washington Establishment have been blinded by fake news and a stubborn resolve to keep the status quo. This is unacceptable! They have to feel the heat—and that’s where Heritage Action for America comes in. Heritage Action’s lobbyists and grassroots activists put political pressure on legislators and lawmakers to get The Heritage Foundation’s policies across the finish line. Each and every day, Heritage Action is pressuring lawmakers to step it up and fix health care, stop amnesty, and pass welfare reform—or they’ll feel the heat at the polls. But we can’t do this without you.

Hold Washington’s feet to the fire with your gift to Heritage Action today!

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Heritage Action for America is a section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. As such, contributions to Heritage Action for America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Heritage Action for America promotes conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. Donors should consult their tax advisors about the tax treatment of their contributions.

When selecting a recurring donation, The Heritage Foundation will process this donation every month on the day of the month that you set up the recurring gift in the amount that you specify using the method of payment that you identified. You can cancel or change this donation at any time by contacting us at 1-800-546-2843. This authorization shall remain in effect until you notify The Heritage Foundation and Heritage has had reasonable time to act on it. A record of each debit will appear on your bank statement. You have the right to instruct your bank to reverse any and all debits.

Donations to support the activities of our sister organization, Heritage Action for America, may be made after making your donation to The Heritage Foundation. Heritage Action for America is a section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. As such, contributions to Heritage Action for America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. State Registration Disclosures