You can help protect and promote America’s heritage. Here’s how:

As you’re probably aware, our current education system fails to provide a thorough and unbiased understanding of our nation’s history. School curricula deliberately lack depth, context, and accuracy, leaving many young Americans without a clear grasp of their heritage and the principles that define our great nation.

Without a solid understanding of history, it’s difficult to appreciate and protect values like free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, and traditional American principles.

This educational gap leads to support for policies that expand government control, infringe on personal liberties, and weaken the foundations of our republic.

At The Heritage Foundation, we’re committed to bridging this gap.

But we need your help.

We can only increase our efforts to provide comprehensive and accurate historical resources with your support. Thousands of people will request this eBook, but less than 1% of those people will take the next step and do something to make a difference.

Your gift today will directly fund our efforts to educate Americans about why America is great and promote public policies that preserve our Founding Fathers’ vision for America.

Together, we can ensure that future generations understand and uphold the values that make America exceptional.

If you’re ready to protect America’s heritage and ensure a brighter future, you can make a gift right now using the secure form below.

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