Your complimentary Religious Freedom Guide is on its way now!
… but if you have a moment, there’s something else you can do to preserve freedom of religion in America today.
If you’re like most people of faith, you’re likely concerned about the stories in the news these days about regular people being bullied by the government for their beliefs.
The reality is that our fundamental right of religious freedom is under siege from the liberal left every day.
That’s why The Heritage Foundation has spent nearly 50 years writing and recommending policies to lawmakers in Washington to uphold and defend the Constitution—especially our First Amendment right to freedom of religion.
We believe it is morally wrong (and unconstitutional) that any law should exist if it ever forces anyone to think, speak or act against their religious beliefs or views.
If you also believe this, then we are asking you to stand with us while we fight back for what’s right.
Your tax-deductible gift of support today will immediately be put to use to equip and educate lawmakers in Washington with policies that not only defend your religious freedoms, but defend other conservative values, as well.
Defend your religious freedom with a gift of support to Heritage today!
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