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If you have a moment, we’d love to tell you the real reason we are giving away this eBook for free—and why we’re trying to get it into the hands of as many people as possible right now.

A couple of years ago, you probably didn’t know much—or anything—about Critical Race Theory. But with the rise of the Black Lives Matter organization, CRT exploded around the nation. Parents were among the first to speak out against the indoctrination they saw taking place first-hand in their children’s classrooms. And now the movement has grown to inform and educate people like you about the indoctrination that is happening—with more and more people speaking out about CRT’s pervasiveness in our military, local governments, places of work, and especially in schools across the country.

The anti-CRT movement has quickly gained traction both ideologically and politically. And the Left is scared. That’s why they’ve launched an attack to spread lies about their true motives in order to continue pushing their Marxist agenda. And they are using their friends in the establishment media and Big Tech to do so.

But The Heritage Foundation is going on offense to ensure that Americans know the truth. Debunking the lies of the Left and their constant gaslighting. But right now, we need your help.

As the nation’s most influential conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation works each day to expose the lies of Critical Race Theory and put a stop to the Left’s Marxist agenda. We offer resources like this eBook to ensure that all Americans are educated and informed. And Heritage experts like Mike Gonzalez appear daily in America’s top news outlets and other media to rally your fellow citizens.

But we can’t do this work alone. We need YOU!

Your tax-deductible gift today helps advance your principles—free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense—at a time when our nation needs these principles most.

Will you give right now to fight back against Critical Race Theory and the Marxist takeover of our society?

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Thank you for your gift to the Heritage Foundation!

Heritage Action has made fixing our election laws their #1 priority!

Their “Save Our Elections” grassroots campaign is their largest ever. Because it should be easy to vote, but hard to cheat.

And thanks to the work of Heritage Action and their network of activists, states like Georgia, Florida, Texas, and Arizona passed historic election integrity bills.

Now, Heritage Action is expanding their work at the state level! More states, more issues!

Heritage Action activists are improving election laws, kicking CRT out of the classroom, and defending the lives of the unborn.

And they’re doing all this while still holding Washington’s feet to the fire and halting Biden’s socialist takeover of America.

But Heritage Action can’t do it alone. Please support Heritage Action and their army of grassroots activists. Your support secures REAL conservative victories.

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Donations to support the activities of our sister organization, Heritage Action for America, may be made after making your donation to The Heritage Foundation. Heritage Action for America is a section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. As such, contributions to Heritage Action for America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. State Registration Disclosures